
The EPA's new Lead and Copper Rule requires water systems to remove lead service lines from the water system. To meet the new requirements, the water system must identify and have a record of all water lines in the system including the customer's private lines. The State of West Virginia has given the water system until October 16, 2024, to complete the inventory of all water lines. With your help, we hope to complete this requirement well before the deadline.
Grafton Municipal Pool and Castle Creek Playground

1340 Railroad St. Grafton, WV
(304) 903-8009
Pool Opening Date: Friday before Memorial Day
The pool is closed on all legal holidays. We reserve the right to close due to lack of staffing or for inclement weather conditions.
No Running
No Smoking
No Profanity
No Gum
No Diving in Shallow End
No Buttons or Snaps on Swimwear
One Rider at as Time on Waterslide - Wait Until The Landing Area is Clear Before Entering The Slide
Adults - $5.00 ($3.00 after 4:00 P.M.)
Kids under 6 - $5.00 ($3.00 after 4:00 P.M.)
Sunbathers not entering the pool - $1.00
Pool Passes:
1st Family Member - $80.00
Each additional - $60.00
Age 4 and under - $40.00 if a single pass purchased, $30.00 if multiple purchased.
Pool Hours:
Open Swim :
Monday- Saturday 12-6pm
Sunday 1-6pm
Swim lessons will be happening this year!
To schedule, please call the Pool @ 304-903-8009.